Kickstarter, Cardboard, & Kesem

Hey everyone!

It's been a while since our last post, and so much has happened since May!

First and foremost, we were FUNDED on KICKSTARTER! Thanks to the generous support of 341 backers, we raised $31,425 -- more than $1K over our goal -- which means we can make Boxly a reality! We cannot thank our friends, family, and backers enough.


Second, we are gearing up for production! We had the chance to visit our AMAZING cardboard manufacturer, Bay Cities, at their main facility in SoCal. They share many of our core philosophies such as sustainability, and for every tree they use to make cardboard, they plant seven more. Not only is Boxly itself recyclable, but the processes used to make it are sustainable! We couldn't be happier! It has been truly a pleasure working with them, and we can't wait to continue this partnership. Check out this video of our visit to Bay Cities!

Finally, Cara has just returned from her adventure as a camp counselor at Camp Kesem! It's been incredible to hear about her experience working there and to hear that the partnership we formed with them will have a huge impact on Kesem kids. We can't wait to deliver to Kesem the kits that many of our Kickstarter backers donated!

June is coming to a close, but the Boxly team is ramping up for July. Manufacturing and mass production here we come!